Thursday, March 22, 2012

Black, White & Red All Over

How fantastic is this deck of cards wallpaper? I wouldn't call myself a gambler, but I am tempted to use this paper on a feature wall...It's bold both chromatically and graphically. I love that is has so many hearts hidden in it and the curves against the harsh points. Black and red sometimes have this connotation of being "bad" and hard core. This is probably because every villain in every story wears only black and red. I think we should change that. Create a wardrobe and home that is stunning with these killer colors and feel bad in a really good way. 


  1. I LOVE the bow bracelet! Too cute.
    I have to be careful about red because I have red hair, but I do love black and white :)

    1. I guess I got lucky with my generic brown hair! With your red hair, I'll bet you look fabulous in green, though!


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