Thursday, May 24, 2012

Backpack Leashes

Have you ever seen back pack leashes? I saw one for the first time a few years ago and was pretty horrified. Today I was even more appalled when I saw a child writhing on the floor screaming bloody mary, wearing a backpack leash. The poor child's guardians (or what I assumed to be guardians) just stood there, holding the leash, barking at him to stand up. There was no sensitivity, no attempt at actually changing the child's behavior. They were satisfied that at least he wouldn't run off anywhere since he was tethered to their wrist. 

I am immediately confused why any parent would subject their son or daughter to this kind of treatment? Do we really live in a world where children are treated like pets? It may be tempting to secure a child into this harness if they are unruly and rambunctious, but there must be better  ways to deal with such issues. 

What are your thoughts on backpack leashes? To me, the look like straight jackets. Do you think they serve a good purpose? Would you try one? Or are you upset that children are forced by their exhausted parents to wear them? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Photo via


  1. You had me laughing out loud just by the photo alone when I saw it in my reader. I agree...I don't think leashes are the best remedy for bad behavior, but I need to get one for my husband. Ha! Kidding. There was an episode on Modern Family about Cam and Mitchell putting Lilly on a backpack leash at Disney Land. I don't know if you ever watch that show, but it was absolutely hilarious.

    1. Oh my gosh, yes! There is something very comedic about them at times! Love that show!

  2. Before I had children I would have said that they are horrible. But I have a 3 year old who has no fear of being away from my side now. He actually took off running from me while we were out and I had to chase after him (I also had my 4 month old baby in a stroller and luckily a friend was with us so she watched the baby while I chased the toddler.) There are some situations that I wouldn't mind having one. When you are somewhere where there are a ton of people, your toddler can slip too easily from your side. Now dragging your kid or what the kid is doing above is going too far!!


    1. Holy cow! Amy, I can't imagine how nervous I'd be with little kids in a very large crowd! Especially adventurous ones, like your son! I very much understand your perspective! Thank you for offering some level headed parenting that would work well with the backpack! If all parents had your attitude, that would be so wonderful!

  3. Poor kid. I don't necessarily think that they are horrible because I am sure that some parents feel safer knowing that their kids won't run off if they go into large groups of people. However, who drags their kid? That's terrible! Poor kid he will probably remember this later on. I do think that some parents have legitimate reason to use these but some parents go way too far.

  4. i think it makes sense if your kid is prone to running off in crowds, but it shouldn't be carte blanche to just ignore them because you know they can't escape! but i'm not a parent so i have no idea, haha. that picture is a weird mix of upsetting and hilarious... x


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