Friday, May 11, 2012

{Gift Guide}...For Your Best Friend, MOM

If you're lucky like me, you have a mom who is Wonderwoman. My mom always knows when I have something on my mind, and readily knows how to fix it. She makes the best coffee & best treats. Try as I might, I will never achieve the same yummy taste of her cookies. Mom is smart as whip, musical, a fashionista and classic best pal. Without her, my life would be chaos. Here are some gift ideas for your marvelous mums. Make her feel special, loved and totally fantastic! Tell her how much she means to you! Thanks, Mom, for all you do! I love you! 


  1. What a great guide! I also feel fortunate that my mom is kind of superhuman :) I know she would love that scarf and vase!

  2. What a sweet post. I'm sure your mom feels lucky to have you to call her own daughter. AND, I have to say, she is a stylish mom!


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